Get to Know Our Team – Anna R

Name: Anna R Occupation: Front Desk ReceptionFrom: Geneva, NYFirst Job: Waitress at a WineryFavorite Color: YellowFavorite Food: PastaHobbies: Traveling, reading, hikingHave Any Pets: A rescue dog named HeelaThree Fun Facts: She fosters dogs for a local rescue, graduated with a bachelors in Biology, and has almost perfected (very subjective fact) the art of making homemade…

CEREC Crowns: What’s the big deal?

As consumers, we hear and know specific buzzwords when it comes to dentistry.  Implants, crowns, caps, cleaning, fillings, cavities and so on.  But buzzwords that many don’t know are ‘CEREC Crowns’ and the amazing technology that comes with it.  At Goldstein Dental, we feel that being at the forefront of dental technology is an absolute…

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