How To Quickly Treat Cold Sores

Got a Cold Sore? Here’s How to Treat It Quickly Ugh. A cold sore appears a couple days before a party where you’ll be photographed as much as the Royal Couple. That smile that we’ve been working on together just went from hero to zero, right? Not necessarily. Finding which cold sore treatment works best…

Bad Dental Habits To Break

Nobody’s perfect. We all pick up bad habits along the way. Even our oral health isn’t immune. Try as you may, odds are you’ve picked up a habit or two in the name of convenience. That’s totally okay! We get it. And that’s why we’re here: to ensure your oral health is in fantastic shape….

What is plaque?

Most people have heard of the word “plaque,” and know it’s not something you want on yourteeth. Yet, they don’t know what exactly plaque is or how it contributes to dental decay. Plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria that lives on the surface of your teeth and along thegumline. It accumulates from normal…

Color Skin

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