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Solution: Veneers & Crowns, depending on severity of chipping & decay.

Solution: Crowns and veneers placed in conjunction with whitening.

Solution: Depending on bone and bite strength, 4-8 mini implants are inserted on top and lower sides to anchor denture and Mini Implants are most cost effective.

Solution: Mini implants were placed to act as anchors for bridge in conjunction with healthy teeth to avoid torquing and increased pressure on existing teeth and help keep bridge in proper place.

Solution: Multiple extraction and full upper denture held in with 6-8 minis, lower-back teeth were saved and helped anchor partial denture with confidence of not coming out.

Solution: Replaced with white resin filling or bonding that matched tooth shade. Ff decay has progressed far enough or tooth fracture, a crown would be placed.

Solution: 6-8 veneers/crowns placed (even number of veneers are placed to keep teeth symmetrical and visually pleasing), whitening of the bottom teeth brought up the top teeth 3 shades by in-office Boost Whitening.

Solution: Instead of orthodontic work, multiple crowns can be used to correct spacing and reline teeth to give proper alignment and give the ‘Golden Smile’.
Solution: Six Veneers were placed to correct spacing and similar treatment for bottom teeth was followed after.